Larzelier Family ~Party of Six

About My Blog:

Welcome to the Larzelier Family Blog. This is an online journal of the Larzelier Happenings. In the craziness of life, I find I have no time to scrapbook, print photos (forget getting them in albums), journal, etc, etc. So, here we are!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SWF Looking for Mr. Frosty

The kids and I dug deep and used all our
strength to build this frosty lady. 
As we were struggling to position the second snowball,
Sebastian took one look at us
and said, "Do you want me to help you?" 
You know, like you poor weak girls.  Let me do it!
Anyway, with Seb's help we were able to get'r built.

School is Cancelled! Hurray!!

School was cancelled, so Matt & I made a big breakfast and
enjoyed the beautiful, winter scene outside. 
Thank you, Lord, for snow days!! 

The Larzelier Snow Bunnies
We had a great time playing in the snow! 

Papa stopped by and provided the measuring tape to see just how much snow we have. 
The verdict was 11 inches!  As you can see, Papa was the target of a few snowballs.

This  little boy was a good sport.  Oh, those sisters!
He is going to be tough!

This is the Snow Angel Queen! (mama said so)

The girls toughed it out and played in the snow for quite some time. 
Cutie Pies

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snow Day

What is it about snow that makes a kid want to eat it? 

Sebi said the snow was landing on his nose and it "ticked" (tickled). 

Isana was demonstrating how easy it is to catch snowflakes on her tongue.  She is obviously very advanced!

Come on Isana.  Let's go warm up with some hot cocoa!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day of School

Wednesday, August 18th was the First Day of School!
Juliette & Belisia were soooo excited.  Wela stayed home with Isana & Sebastian so Matt & I could walk the girls to school.  They did so well that I was thinking umm....don't you need me to stay longer?  aren't you sad that I am leaving you here with these strange people?  wouldn't you rather be home with your mama??? Belisia, don't you realize you have to stay here ALL day now?  Oh well, they love school so I am very grateful for that! 
Samson and I were of the same mind.  He whined and cried as we walked away with the girls.  He was pathetic!  What a wimp!  I was WAY stronger than that, though.  When I watched them at recess and waited for them to come home I never once hung on the fence like that!! Shesh!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Last Day of Summer"

Marc & Val have been so awesome this summer letting us crash their beautiful swimming pool. On the day before the first day of school (1st Day of School Eve), we had some last minute summer fun. Brianna & Ava, Diana & her girls, Erica & her crew, Annie Parker and her girls, and me & my crew spent some time holding desperately to the final few moments before the hustle & bustle of school.

Brianne & Ava
Today, August 17th, is Ava's 1st birthday!
Happy Birthday Ava!

Olivia is mad at someone, but it sure makes for a cute picture!

Sebastian & Mama

This is proof that Tia Dina tried to drown my child!!!

Isana, Michelle, Juliette, Belisia
These girls are serious swimmers!

Erica brought Gracie & Jaxon for some end of year swimming.
Today is Brad and Erica's 9th Wedding Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Pretty cute pool babes! 
Emma & Jacy Parker

Monday, August 16, 2010

Amaia & Samson

Only one word can describe this photo: Bestest Buddies Ever!!
Amaia and Samson are like this (tall man and pointer fingers crossed)! The special bond they share is amazing. She is such an animal person. I've always felt she should be a vet . . . for dogs. Or cats?? Hmm, yeah I think the only other animal that she loves more than dogs is cats. I'll post a pic of her and some cats when I get a chance to sort through all of them. You know Snow White? Well, cats flock to her like animals do to Snow White. It's remarkable, really! I was thinking of nominating her for Channel 7's Heros for all the work she does with the strays in town. Anyway, sorry you all had to hear me bragging on my SIL. She's the BEST!! So proud of her!

written in Sarcasm Font

Cousins & Black/White

Olivia, Juliette, Isana

Ok, so I didn't read my camera manual. Sue Me!! I've had my Nikon for a little over a year now and only JUST discovered the black and white setting. These girls are pretty cute and all, but mostly they were in the near vicinity when I discover the b/w setting.

Olivia & Isana - Best Friends, Best Fighters!
When they aren't playing together, they are fighting together. Well, each other actually. Isana's other hand is not in the picture. Hmm. I'm sure she is not pinching Olivia. That sounds nothing like her!

Little Miss Sassy Pants Beleny

Our Little Angel Isana
See that gleam in her eye?
It's nothing but sweet innocence! Really! It is!

Fair 2010 - Mutton Bustin'

This mean lookin' crew was fixin' to mutton bust!
All them fair goers took one look at this gang went the other direction. Them's the roughest mutton handlers in the west! Just check out the pics below!

Are those the cutest wrangler butts ever?!?!

Belisia rode that sheep into the ground . . . literally! She should have had a re-ride because it trip just a couple yards out of the gate and rolled . . . Belisia with it.

Isana was one focused kid. On winning, that is. She slipped off pretty quick into the ride and cried like she broke her arm. When she finally calmed down, she told us she was sad because she didn't win. What can I say? She has her dad's competitive streak! ;-)

Horsin' Around

Matt & I took the kids over to Black's to ride. Juliette, the wonderful big sister that she is, took Sebi on a tour of the place and hand fed just about every horse there.

Now Belisia had other things in mind . . . like modeling! This is just one of the many photos in the Ms. August photo series. Just like any other mom would do, I had her stand against the cool white washed barn hoping for a good pic. Well, the overachiever in her gave me way more than I had hoped for. She started posing and modeling with sighs and glares and thoughtfulness and lots more! Anyway, I call this one "Hip with a Mind of It's Own".

There were lots of saddles around and Sebastian "rode" on all of them. You would not believe all the rider and horse sound effects this little man can make!

Isana was so sweet to Golden Boy.
She loved on him and praised him every chance she got!

This little cowgirl played hard!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jaialdi 2010 ~ Basque Festival

Jaialdi was so fun, but what made it extra special was the Mendiguren Family, Collados Family and their friends! They came from Spain & France to partake of the Jaialdi festivities. We had a great time getting to know them. The kids did not speak English, but as you can see that didn't hinder their communication. We can learn so much from kids! They make friends so easily and don't let a little thing like language stop a friendship!

Isana & Paula

Juliette & Maitena

Matt & Isabel

Juliette & Ramon
We look forward to seeing you all in 5 years! Can't wait!!

This is Belisia getting worked over. Getting these kids into their dance costumes is no easy task. The proper way to tie the head scarves can not be described with mere words. A lengthy lesson is required. It is sooo complicated that a large amount of pulling, stretching, screaming and hair loss is needed to get a perrrfect knot! Think I'm exaggerating?? You bring your kid to Basque Dance and tell me you're not scared to tie it wrong!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Dancing Machines

Juliette & Belisia performed 3 times and walked in the opening ceremony.
The dancers were really taken care of. They had food and drink on hand and had a place to cool off and rest.
The dancers and Sani too!

Juilette & Sophia

The DeVries crew came to take in a little Jaialdi.
Lauren, Juliette, Isabelle, Belisia, Anna, Isana

Isana was tired of pictures. :-)

Grandpa & Grandma Carolyn's Visit

Grandpa and his txo txo!
The whole crew came for Jaialdi.
We saw the sites and played a lot.
Grandpa is a bit of a kid himself!

Isana & Amy were big buddies!
Yeah!! Grandpa & Grandma are here!!

Grandpa & Belisia

This was taken at the Basque Block.
I set the timer so we could all be in the picture.

Grandpa and his crew!