Larzelier Family ~Party of Six

About My Blog:

Welcome to the Larzelier Family Blog. This is an online journal of the Larzelier Happenings. In the craziness of life, I find I have no time to scrapbook, print photos (forget getting them in albums), journal, etc, etc. So, here we are!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things I Love (Continued, Post 2)

This is a continuation of the post, Things I Love (see below).

#11 Bronco Football
Yes, we look forward to Fall for the
pumpkin pie, falling leaves, cool days, and Bronco Football!!

#12 Good Food
In-n-Out Burger is our very favorite hamburger joint. 
On our trip to Disneyland we drove far and wide, risked dangerous freeways and dangerous drivers (one was in our car) all in the hopes of sinking our teeth into an animal cheese burger . . . mmmmm!!

#13 Roller Coasters
This was taken at Disneyland on Thunder Railroad.  This crew was fearless!!  They thrived on the thrill of zooming around a track with their hands in the air . . . holding on is for wimps!!

#14 Puppies
Can you resist puppies?  Not me.  Is there anything better than a little boy taking a siesta with his puppy?

#15 Playing Pretend
When you pretend you can be anything you want!  Anything can happen! So, why do little boys always want to be the bad guys and cut your leg off? 

#16 Playgrounds
Playgrounds are wonderful for multiple reasons.  The kids love them and you can get them to do anything (i.e. house work, feed the animals, not fight, etc, etc.) to get to go!  Also, do you see a grown-up in that photo?  Nope, the kids just go play.

#17 Super Heroes
I love the freedom kids feel to do anything and be anything. 
Maybe this one should be titled Innocence.
(This is Sebi in his super hero outfit flying through the air.)

#18 Healthy, Strong Bodies
I am so grateful for the blessings of strong, healthy bodies.  We love to watch our kids play sports and enjoy playing a game every once in a while ourselves! 

#19 Funny Things Kids Say
Belisia just couldn't wait to go see Pip & Darryl (or Chip and Dale).  We all had a good belly laugh over that one!

#20 Cheese
I love all types and flavors of cheese, but I have to say this is my favorite kind! 
Say Cheese!

Things I Love

I was recently given a book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp, from my sister-in-law, Nicole.  I am only a few chapters in and have already felt a huge impact.  Her writing style is nothing  less than beautiful, so much so that I had to read it aloud.  I would recommend this book to everyone!  Voskamp challenges her readers to make a list (actually a list of 1000, but not sure if I'll do all 1000 on my blog) of their blessings/things they love, so here goes!  
Over spring break we went to Disneyland with
Diana, her girls and my mom . . . and had a blast!!

#2 Brown Eyes
Can you resist those eyes?  I can't!
I like the other colors too but somehow these girls can work magic with those things!

#3  Birthday Parties
We are so blessed to have a huge family so every birthday boy/girl can't help but feel so loved!!

#4  Colors
There are many blessings in this photo but the one I am thinking of is colors.  I am thankful that God gave us so many colors to enjoy . . . even if you put a lot of them on your face.  :-)

#5 Music
Ok, Band Hero on the wii might be a stretch when talking about music, but we are pretty proud of the music we make! 

#6 Friends
Every girl needs a group of friends like this!!!  Quite a few are missing from this picture, but each one is AWESOME and irreplaceable! 

#7 Forgiveness
This is a big one!  Can u imagine a life without forgiveness!  I am so thankful that I have been forgiven and that I can forgive with God's help!  All things can be forgiven and, as this photo shows, it sure feels good to let all the junk go!

#8  Little Sisters
What blessings little sisters are!  They never stop looking up to you.
Your reflection in their eyes is always a much better you!
Who wouldn't love that?

#9 Pull-Ups
I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but I am really thankful for pull-ups!  We are a family of small bladders, a house with 5 beds and only one washing machine . . . need i say more?

#10  Quiet Time
We all need time to ourselves. 
We all need time with God to refocus and reflect on our blessings.